In 2023, we published our inaugural formal annual report on Thomas Miller's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), to provide our stakeholders with a greater insight into who we are, what we stand for as a Company and including which aspects of ESG are most important and material to our business.

ESG Report 2024 (Intro Box Banner)
Read Thomas Miller's

2024 ESG Report

In our second formal annual report on Thomas Miller’s ESG, we delve into some detail on what we have done over the past year to deliver our 2023 ESG targets and commitments, our progress across our five pillars of ESG and CSR, along with the specific actions we will take in the forthcoming year to continue to achieve our ESG strategy.

Download our ESG Report here


We launched the ‘Be the Impact’ brand for Thomas Miller ESG in 2023, building our ESG focus on our very successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, ‘Be The Difference’, mapped across five pillars: Our People, Our Company, Our Community, Our Planet and Our Marketplace.

‘Be the Difference’ represents how employees support our CSR programme and we encourage them to make a difference through activities such as charity fundraising, volunteering and adopting environmentally aware practices at work and at home. ‘Be the Impact’ represents Thomas Miller’s commitment to taking deliberate actions that have a positive impact on how we do business, implemented across our global landscape.

Our Key Priorities

These five pillars focus on:

Our People - Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), access to learning and development opportunities, support for employee wellbeing and generating employee engagement.

Our Company - Sustaining strong corporate governance with distinct ESG integration and adhering to stringent ethical business compliance, ensuring our purpose as an expert service provider across our global operations.

Our Community - Developing our commitment to the communities in which we operate as a business through our charitable giving and volunteering programmes, with particular focus on social impact to benefit those around us.

Our Planet - Tracking our global carbon footprint as a service provider and developing environmental considerations for emissions on a global basis to make an impact where possible.

Our Marketplace - Commitment to supporting the businesses we own and manage on their ESG journeys and taking great care around ESG considerations within the businesses we own and through our wider supply chain.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) provide a globally recognised framework to help us to structure our engagement with stakeholders and to communicate performance on key ESG outcomes. We have therefore developed Thomas Miller’s ESG strategy to support and align with six of the UN SDGs.

We have identified these as being particularly pertinent to the Group’s primary activities as a service provider and that align to our five pillars of CSR and ESG impact:

03 good health and well-being
Goal 4
Goal 5
Goal 8
Goal 10
Goal 13

We have also joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative to support our progress here, serving as a voluntary framework for companies to develop, implement, and disclose responsible business practices, supporting strategies and operations with ten universal principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. The UN Global Compact has an ambition to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business to enable change for a more sustainable society.

Looking Ahead

We continue to adopt a proactive approach embedding ESG in every day practices. We have outlined our intention to move towards more quantitative data driven targets where possible in 2025 and beyond.

We have agreed new ESG commitments for the forthcoming year in our second annual ESG report. Spanning all five pillars of CSR and ESG, these will enable us to continue to drive change in the areas we have identified as being the most material.  

Our Progress

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ESG Statement 2022

Our ESG strategy builds on our very successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, and in delivering it we will leverage the 5 pillars of our CSR strategy to provide a solid platform on which to shape our thinking around ESG.

ESG Report Cover (Intro Box Banner)

ESG Report 2023

In our inaugural formal annual report on Thomas Miller ESG, we aim to provide our stakeholders with a greater insight into who we are and what we stand for as a Company and what aspects of ESG are most important and material to our business.