Bar Mutual provides professional indemnity insurance to all self-employed barristers in England and Wales.

Protecting barristers in England and Wales

Thomas Miller manages Bar Mutual, the professional indemnity insurance scheme that covers all 14,000 self-employed barristers in England and Wales.

All barristers are required by the Bar Standards Board to take out professional indemnity insurance with Bar Mutual, which provides cover for claims of professional negligence, inadequate professional services, professional misconduct and wasted cost orders.

An experienced and supportive claims service

Bar Mutual provides an excellent claims handling service, led by a team of experienced in-house lawyers who understand the impact that claims and misconduct complaints can have on barristers, professionally and personally. They deal with claims sensitively and discretely and have a good reputation for resisting unmeritorious claims robustly.

Services include:

  • Professional indemnity insurance for barristers in England and Wales offering cover between £500,000 and £2,500,000, plus defence costs
  • Expert claims support service from a knowledgeable and experienced in-house legal team
  • Fair, competitive, transparent premiums for annual renewals
  • Continually reviewing and developing cover in line with the changing needs of practitioners
  • Supervision by acting barristers, ensuring members’ interests are always central to the running of the organisation.